
It's Your Ship

Good Essays

It’s Your Ship
A Book Review
Shanita Kitts
Averett University

Table of Contents
Book Information……………………………………………………………………………...... 3
Content………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Reviewer’s Evaluation………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Reviewer’s Information………………………………………………………………………… 14
References……………………………………………………………………………………… 14

Book Information
Title: It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy
Author: Captain D. Michael Abrashoff
Publisher’s Name: Warner Books, Inc.
Publisher’s Location, Year of Publication: New York, NY, 2002
Number of Pages: 210 pages

Content The overall objective of the book is to teach new, and old, leaders to become better leaders. While anyone can benefit from reading this …show more content…

In chapter two, Abrashoff discovered “90 percent of the time, I was at least as much a part if the problem as my people were” (p. 33). When things go wrong and tasks are not completed, a manager usually blames the employees. Abrashoff used a different approach; he looked at himself and wondered what he may have done wrong in certain situations. By recognizing their own faults, a leader can learn from them and show their employees that they are learning from them. There were four sections of the chapter that was very important. The first section was on remembering the effect one has on people. Leaders need to understand how they affect their people, “their optimism and pessimism are equally infectious” (p. 35). If the leader is in a bad mood, the employees will sense that and be in the same mood. Abrashoff talks about his “dark side” and how he purposely stays away from his crew when he is having a bad day. The second section talks about holding leaders accountable. Leaders need to make sure they recognized their part in a mishap and take some of the blame. The Washington Post test was the next section. If there is any concern on whether something is the right thing to do, picture it being on the front page of a newspaper. Would it cause embarrassment or would it be something to celebrate? Abrashoff thinks that every decision a leader can make should be based on that test. The last section is about obeying a policy even when a leader disagrees. There are

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