
Italian Wine Industry

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Journal of Wine Research
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Winemakers and Wineries in the Evolution of the Italian Wine Industry: 1997–2006
Raffaele Corrado & Vincenza Odorici a a a

Department of Management, University of Bologna, Via Capo di Lucca, 34, 40126, Bologna, Italy E-mail: Version of record first published: 30 Sep 2009.

To cite this article: Raffaele Corrado & Vincenza Odorici (2009): …show more content…

Raffaele Corrado, Department of Management, University of Bologna, Via Capo di Lucca, 34, 40126 Bologna, Italy (E-mail: Vincenza Odorici, Department of Management, University of Bologna, Via Capo di Lucca, 34, 40126 Bologna, Italy (E-mail: ISSN 0957-1264 print/ISSN 1469-9672 online/09/020111-14 # 2009 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/09571260903169472



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some oversimplification, we might describe these changes as a turn from a niche market to a mass market. This evolution is fostering changes in winemaking practices as well as in the conception of wine quality, which imply a departure from the traditions of the industry. Traditional winemaking practices and conceptions of ‘good wine’ were institutionalised in the denomination of origin regulations. These regulations embed each wine within a geographical locus of production, implying a dependence of production on natural contingencies. On the contrary, the exploitation of emergent market opportunities requires a finer control of production. This caused the diffusion of methods of winemaking that allow stabilisation of the quality of wines across time (vintages) and space, loosening the tie between grape and geographical area. Much of this change in production practices has been

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