
Essay Israel and Palestine

Decent Essays

The Issue Of Israel and Palestine

In 1993, in Oslo, Norway a historic peace agreement was secretly drawn up with the hopes of bringing all the violence between the Palestinians and the Israelis to an end. Yasser
Arafat, the chairman of the PLO, and Yitzhak Rabin who was prime minister of Israel at the time shook hands at the White House in front of President Bill Clinton to finalize the accords. This was the first step towards peace in a long time between the warring nations, and one that many people believed was going to bring an end to the fighting. These accords were significant because it was the first time that Israel ever recognized the Palestinian Liberation Organization …show more content…

He believes that he is right, and no one is going to change his opinion.
Ariel Sharon is a big bully. I do not justify Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians, and I do believe that Yasser Arafat supported terror strikes, but Sharon knows that he has the upper hand in the whole situation. America is going to stand behind Israel, so Sharon makes all these crazy demands from the Palestinians. He will give them some of their land, but Israel will control the air space in the new Palestinian territory. Of course Palestine is not going to agree to that, demands like that are absurd, but Sharon has the world on his side because when he blows up a house full of Palestinians, it is referred to as a military action, but when Palestinians attack Israel it is looked at as terrorism. President Bush and his cabinet of maniacs has created this entire scare of terror attacks, and Ariel Sharon was the first person to jump on that bandwagon. This was exactly what he needed to justify Israel beating up on Palestine and taking control of Palestinian land. The United States spawned all of the enemies that we are fighting with today by giving them aid. They gave aid to the Taliban to fight the Soviets during the cold war, they gave millions of dollars and arms and supplies to Saddam Hussein to help Iraq win the war versus Iran. Almost every hijacker from the 9/11

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