
Isolation In Hearts And Minds And The Lonely Londoners

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London’s population contains people from all kinds of social and economic backgrounds. With a diverse and massive amount of people in one city, division between classes is bound to happen, and with that separation, certain social groups become invisible to the public eye. In order to fully understand a city, one has to examine the lives of various social sectors. Literary city narratives depict the lives of several characters and help readers fully comprehend how cities are shaped by its people. Two city narratives, Hearts and Minds and The Lonely Londoners, follow several characters to comment on issues in London society. Two characters in particular, Anna and Job, both feel isolated and alone as immigrants in London and represent the struggle …show more content…

Throughout his time in England, he still witnesses constant discrimination from British society towards him and his friends, which makes him feel isolated from London. He states: “It have people living in London who don’t know what happening in the room next to them, far more the street, or how other people living. London is a place like that. It divide up in little worlds and you stay in the world you belong to…” Throughout his time in London, he has grown to accept the discrimination of his people. Although he would like to fix the his situation, he never verbalizes his disdain for it. Whenever one of his friends recounts a racist encounter with the British, Moses always tells them to “Take it easy.” For example, Moses and his friend found a sign that said “Keep the Water White.” Unlike his friend who wanted to “start a big argument with the white people standing around”, Moses just wanted to continue with his day. His actions do not mean that he disinterested in how his friends are treated; instead, they represent how Moses wants to be peacefully accepted in to society. Moses has been discriminated and isolated in London for awhile and just wants to be seen as a member of

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