
Isolation In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

Decent Essays

Created as a prediction of our destiny, Brave New World begins in 2540 London, nearly 550 years in the future. Catholicism’s Cross has been replaced by the T model. invented by the late Henry Ford. World leaders control every segment of communication, slowing the progress of society to a standstill.

Drugs, sex and sleep entertain the masses, while those who do not enjoy them are labeled as deranged, ludicrous human beings. Bernard Marx, a psychologist born into the Alpha-Plus (high caste) class, is one of these special people. Shadowed continuously by women, Bernard attracts the attention of Lenina Crowne, with whom he visits a savage reservation in New Mexico. In the Brave New World, savages are those who refused to blindly follow Ford’s belief system, instead accepting Christianity as their major religion. …show more content…

“I want to know what passion is, I want to know what it feels like.” “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” All these pieces of philosophical thought are too much for the young lady, and she debates through what she has been conditioned to state in retaliation: “Better take a gram, than give a damn.”

Incredible lines such as these are uttered by characters, both relatable and far-fetched. Each civilians’ personalities contrast one another, and this simple concept is enough to entertain the reader. It is almost as if they have a identity disorder, with their thoughts constantly altering and dictating the ones they have

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