
Isolation In A Little Princess And Children Of Men

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Throughout his career, Alfonso Cuarón has proven himself to be a talented and versatile director in multiple genres. This report will discuss two of Cuarón’s works, A Little Princess (1995) and Children of Men (2006). Released almost a decade apart, the Disney family film and dystopian drama share many differences but also some important similarities. In particular, the themes of segregation and isolation play a central role in both films and are both adapted to screen using similar film techniques such as use of colour and camera angles. Through an analysis of these key themes, this report will discuss their significance and endurance in Cuarón’s wider body of work.

The theme of segregation is prevalent throughout both A Little Princess and Children of Men. In the former it is most prevalent in the character of Becky, a black servant girl who is forbidden from speaking to the schoolgirls and is dressed only in rags. Becky’s segregation is two-fold as she falls to the bottom of the social hierarchy in terms of both class and race. Following the miscommunication of her father’s death, Sara was also thrust to the bottom of the social hierarchy, …show more content…

Though Children of Men lacks the same kind of obvious visual sadness and instead employs mostly nihilism and violence as vehicles for the theme of isolation, it would be important to note Miriam’s quote in the empty schoolyard, “as the sound of the playgrounds faded, the despair set in,” which gives dialogue to the underlying tone and feelings of sadness throughout the film. While differing in many ways, however, the physical separation of Sara and Becky from the schoolgirls parallels the physical separation of the fugees and the citizens of Children of

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