
Islam 's Views On Islam

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Islam has arrived in the 7th century with the vision of One God, Allah and Mohammed, His Prophet. The holy book Quran is the quittance to momentary life that to be relished with abstinence, cleanliness and consistent prayer.

Muslims philosophy embraces wide range and studies vary with principal of religion expressed as a theme that competed through Islamic art where geometry and the rhythms within them required meaning of symbolising unity with guidance of the holy book of Quran.

Before the birth of Islam, gardens were influenced by tradition, ritual and cultural background of the people. Islamic gardens involve many purposes that are performed under the idea of ‘garden of paradise’ where the Quran describes as a ‘al-jannah’.

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The creation of desert oasis in thoughts, formal garden avoiding outside world, allowed source of delight as whether for private ownership or public use, enclosed and protected space implies the symbolic replication of paradise.

The word ‘paradise’ comes from pairidaeza meaning a ‘enclosure’ originates from the Persian language. In Persia, after the conqueror of Islam in particular became the growth of Islamic gardens where examples evolved within the Islamic design became the core development with bliss of Eden described as a reward to the faithfulness by captivating the existing tradition of hunting parks, pleasure gardens and designed them with spirit of the Quran.

The gardens were designed with its size and layout with its building reflected power of the owner as most gardens were accessible to the only privileged minority of rulers except the courtyards, as they were accessible to all. These gardens formed a strong atmosphere, as the aim was to provide relief from the exemptions of stress, dust and noise of the streets into a space of pleasure.

The beauty of the garden for Muslims is reflection of God in their conquered lands and the description of paradise in the holy book of Quran and its interpretation by people around the world has spread from its origin of Arabia to Europe, Asia, Africa and Turkey.

Number four, a symbol in Islam that the four fundamental directions and the four elements reflecting order of the universe. The symbolism is summed up

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