
Isidore Story

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Saint Report
Hi, I’m Clayton Stuhrenberg! I am a junior at Palacios High School and am going to talk about Saint Isidore. I chose this saint because he kinda reminds me of myself. But first, you need to know his story. This is Isidore’s life story.
Isidore was actually born into a family made up of saints that lived during the sixth century in Spain. Both of his brothers, Leander and Fulgentius and his sister, Florentina, are all recognized as saints in Spain. It was also a family of pioneers and they had a ton of determination, with his strong and great brothers serving as bishops. On the other hand, the sister was an abbess.
Because of the high standards set and other reasons, life was not easy for Isidore. On the contrary, his brother …show more content…

He would end up working side by side with his brother and after Leander's death, Isidore would complete many of the projects that his brother began including a missal and breviary.
Isidore was able to separate the abusive way he was taught from the joy of learning. He didn't avoid learning after what his brother did but embraced education and worked out any problems he had. Isidore moved past his past and became known as, “The best teacher is Spain.”.
His absolute love of learning leads him to promote the creation of a seminary in every diocese of Spain. He wanted to make sure that everyone had access to a place where they could learn. Furthermore, he made sure that all branches of knowledge, even including the arts and medicine, were taught in these seminaries.
His encyclopedia of knowledge or the Etymologies was a popular textbook for about a period of nine centuries. He also had written books about grammar, astronomy, and geography, as well as theology. At the point when the Arabs took the investigation of Aristotle back to Europe, this was just the same old thing new to Spain on the grounds that Isidore's receptive outlook had as of now reintroduced the savant to understudies

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