
Isabel Allende's The Handsomest Drowned Man

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In the story “The Handsomest Drowned Man,” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I sense a religious revival in the village as they discover the drowned man. The drowned man was a symbolic hero that brought unity to a small desert-like village that was on the banks of a river. The presence of his body brought change to the villager’s way of thinking, their expectations, and their way of life. The transformation started with the women as they prepared the body for burial. The women’s feelings went from lust to compassion as they discovered the man’s complexion and his masculinity and viewed him as a god. For the men, it was not as much as compassion, but for the search to find out where the man came from and how this had happened and with jealousy …show more content…

She was the only one to survive a horrific flood that claimed the lives of her four siblings. It was those trials in her life that strengthen her beliefs and her will to overcome the obstacles she faces when she set out to leave her home, crossing the desert, in the direction of the sea and in search of a better way of life. As she made that journey, she discovered herself and writing, a skill that would bring her fortune. Her motivation for survival and the trials she had already faced as a child and through her journey brought her out of the aggressive kidnapping when she was struck in the head, with her hands and feet bound and thrown on the back of a horse like a sack and taken to serve the colonel. After she had helped the colonel write his speech and left him with two words, he was to the point of insanity until they were reunited. Her two words brought him misery, but when she is finally back with him, he is at peace. This story is a story of inspiration to withstand the elements against you and fight accomplish more in life. The journey is not easy, but is worth it in the end. This story goes along with the saying,” That which does not kill us, makes us

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