
Isabel Allende Magical Realism

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Magical Realism: a genre of literature that blends realistic elements with magical elements to create 'magical realism.' This writing technique made famous in Latin American and inspired the work of Isabel Allende and her collection of short stories “The stories of Eva Luna” Allende's use of magical realism in “Walima” gave a magical twist to a seemingly normal reality. An example of this would be on page. 131 when the young Ila girls was introduced her tribe known among the people were thought of as “...the people of gentle heart...” It hurt young Walima to see the girl lying there “...tied by one ankle to a chain staked in the ground...” she looked like a “lizard” and her bones “...clicked like a small stones in a river.” The text uses magical realism to describe just how horrible her current condition was. In the short story “Phantom Palace” on page 300 when describing the Indians, they used magical realism to depicted them as “Always hiding, like shadows...speaking in whispers...” Then in “The School Teachers …show more content…

The author gave it a very magical description “...transformed the dwelling into a fossil of prehistoric dimensions, an enormous beast...” Another type of magical realism is 'making sense of two separate realities: the conquered and the conqueror. In the story “The School Teachers Guest' one example is Ines's confession of her love to Halabi “ are the person I love most in the world...” Ines's is conquered by her love by him that she never moved on or found another lover. Riad halabi was conquered and the conqueror, after the death of Ines son he acted as “,,,if he were a member of the family...” so he's the conqueror here but hes the conquered in the end by “...the death of the school teacher Ines's freed us...” In the 'Phantom Palace” the same reality was presented but in this one the male, El Benefactor

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