
Isaac Asimov Self Driving Cars

Decent Essays

In 1953, Isaac Asimov wrote a story about self-driving cars. It shares many similarities to what is happening right now and what will happen in the future. There are even articles talking about self-driving cars that share many similarities to what happened in Sally. There are pro’s and con’s to self-driving cars, and these articles feature both. The negatives of self-driving cars in the articles are similar to the negatives in Sally, just like the positives in the articles are similar to the positives in Sally.
Self-driving cars may soon be a possibility. Both articles mention the ability of cars being able to drive themselves. “Not because police are going soft but because you won’t be doing the driving.” “Semi-autonomous cars may even be …show more content…

“Another futurist paints a more chilling picture, where the driverless world intersects with terrorism.” (Washington) "They found him dead," she said. "Imagine that. Just lying dead in a ditch. ", "It might be a stranger altogether," I mumbled.” (Asimov 14) In the article, it talks about terrorists being able to use the cars for malevolent deeds. In Sally, the cars also can injure and kill people. Cars need to have safety features so that terrorists and other people with bad intentions can’t use them for their terrible agendas.
Self-driving cars will be much more safe if humans are not behind their wheels. “All that’s needed to remove humans entirely from the equation is for the cars to better learn to read and respond to the roads.” (Washington) “In all that time, there'd never been a human being behind her wheel. Not once.” (Asimov 1) Both articles reference self-driving cars not needing human assistance. The both talk about how much more safe the roads will be if humans are not in control of the vehicles.
Both the articles about self-driving cars and Sally share many, many similarities. Hopefully, self-driving continue to evolve and the market continues to grow. We may be able to use them in may more ways than we could have ever imagined.They could cause issues, but we should be able to solve them. Self-driving cars are already in the making, and will soon be the

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