
Is Wi Fi? A?

Better Essays
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Dillon Holdren
Halina Adams
23 April 2015
Wicked Wi-Fi Whether a student is researching a topic, doing an online assignment, or just trying to relax and watch some Netflix, they mine as well go somewhere else that has Wi-Fi because the internet on the University of Delaware’s campus is pathetic. It is 2015 and technology is improving every single day, especially internet based devices. Advancements come with new devices, new firmware updates, or just new apps being published daily. These devices are created to make life easier for the average person. All of the devices serve a huge impact on daily lifestyles especially amongst college students. The only downfall is that when a University of Delaware student wants to connect …show more content…

My goal is to gather enough complaints from members of the Blue Hen community, take them to the TechDeck in the basement of Purnell, and propose to them my unique solution of setting up multiple virtual networks to resolve the issue. Although this issue does exist on the University of Delaware campus, it seems to be affecting other college campuses too, and they also need a solution to the problem. I have had the opportunity to speak to a couple of my friends who go to other universities such as James Madison University and La Salle University. Both friends spoke about similar issues that I have previously mentioned. Courtney Michelle Clarke, a JMU student, stated, “Everyone connects to the same network (JMU-Official-Wireless) and it is super slow.” They both mentioned that all the students are on the same network and that the signal range does not cover the entire campus. So even though this connection issue and unique solution applies here to the University of Delaware, it could potentially solve the infamous Wi-Fi campus problem across the nation. First off, a network is defined as “two or more computers that are connected via software and hardware so they can communicate with each other”(Evans). Networks allow a user to access the Internet, share printers and other devices, share files, and ultimately communicate with other devices. The branch of networking to

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