
Is Superman's Definition Of A Hero

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Throughout a human's childhood they watch cartoons or even read comics that include a protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is always portrayed as the hero of the story and the antagonist is the portrayed as the villain. The villain is always known to be evil and at times not liked by the character in the comics or cartoons because of their evil schemes. The comics or cartoons seem to always focus on capturing the villain when he or she expresses their vicious acts. To the audiences, the definition of villain is “a cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime; scoundrel” (“Villain”). The audience doesn't see that there are factors that a hero and villian share. For example the definition of hero is “a person who, in the …show more content…

The villain attitudes and acts aren't perfect, but there is a story behind every cover. Just like a superhero has their own story as to why or how they became a villain. The villain wasn't always doing wicked things that’s a factor that the audience can't get through their head. This villain was once happy and loved, but tragic accidents happens to all. Every superhero and villain go through tragic accidents that makes them who they are. Since these two main character go through this tragic accident, it actually makes them share another factor. Everyone copes with tragic accidents differently some go completely mad while others try to make the best of it. As stated in an article “Knowing how a man who would find himself becoming the root of all evil within the Marvel Universe would begin with the troubled childhood”(“Red Skull (Character)”). Most of these villains go completely mad, but in their own way they make the best of it. Much like a hero they use their power to do special achievements. The villain is seen as a horrible person because some people don't take the time to read or see the full story behind these

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