
Is Standardized Testing Really

Decent Essays

Really Testing, Really

•Children are _noOearnipg, according to staRdardized testing scotos.•Theidea of standardizee testingistogivetourchildlenthe best education possible; but there aremany di fferent ideas as to

should beaccomplished. The problem with standardized testing is that it makes teachers

have to teach the matctial faster, which is very stressful for kids, and sometimes have questions that aren't completely a part ofthe standard.

•Some,schoolsuse diplomas as both a way ofbribing and threatening students to do

•standardized tests.Not only is this stressful, but it could mentally huff a student. The lack of.

motivation to learn is what ruins the joy of learning for children. Children do notenjOy learning

being taught that the …show more content…

One source states, "while using student test scores to rate teachers may seem intuitive, researchers say it actually

flies in the face of the evidence: Decades of data indicates that better results come not from hiring innately better teachers, but from helping them improve through constant training and

feedback. Perhaps that's why no other nation in the world uses annual, standardized tests to set teacher salaries" (RIZGA 42). Teachers Who teach in poor areas are pressured even more to have an education, covering only areas which are tested, SO that the schoolsvill receive mor9money and less teaching in the understanding of the standards. Qn thiS topic; Alfie Kohn,aformerj educator and opponent of standardized testing, states that "the altofteaching is being destroyed by those who mistakenlybelieve that teaching children how t&léam is not as important …show more content…

This has an effect on learning similar to the effect that a noose has on breathing"(A

Look At).

Standardized testing is the most abundant method of testing. Tests such as the CAT, MAT, and SAT were not designed to measure teaching or learning. They were designed in such a way

that only one half of the students would answer correctly, resulting in a wide range of scores. Kohn asserts that "The main objective of these tests is to rank, not to rate; to spread out the scores, not to gauge the quality of a given student or school" (A look at);

Ä7urther arguing the case against standardized testing is the fact that these tests are biasec!.

Research shows that white children who live in affluent areas tend to score the highest on the. tests; This does not mean that these children are any more or less intelligent than others. Many experts believe that this is due largely to two reasons: the first reason being that English is usually the only language that is spoken by these children, so they don't have to focus on

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