
Is Ralph A Good Leader In Lord Of The Flies

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Leadership. Noun. “The action of leading a group of people or an organization.” An amazing leader guides others by setting a good example, and not ordering them. They communicate well, listen to everyone’s opinion, and use their intelligence to do what is best for their followers. Also, they are kind to everyone and care about them. In contrast to this, a bad leader does not care about anyone but him or herself. They are unable to use communication throughout their community, their choices do not express logic or intelligence, and they do not treat people the way that they deserve to be treated. Throughout the novel Lord of the Flies, Ralph demonstrates characteristics of both a good and bad leader. He learns from his mistakes as a bad leader, and is able to reconnect himself with the group and become a great leader. …show more content…

He is rude, sarcastic, untrustworthy, and mean. An example of this is within the first few chapter of the book, giving Ralph an unfortunate first impression. He is having a conversation with “fat boy,” whose name has not been revealed. Fat Boy is dropping hints to have Ralph ask what his name is, but Ralph does not ask. As fat boy continues, Ralph becomes interested when he says, “I don’t care what they call me, so long as they don’t call me what they used to call me at school,” (11). Fat boy reveals that he used to be called ‘Piggy,’ and does not want Ralph to tell anyone. However, Ralph bursts out in laughter and starts yelling out, “Piggy! Piggy!” (11). Ralph is being an awful friend, and a bad role model. Piggy specifically asked him not to call him that or tell anybody that he used to be called that, and he did it anyway. This is a misrepresentation of leadership, because Ralph is not respecting Piggy and going against his

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