
Is Othello A Victim Or Villain

Decent Essays

Throughout all of the works that we have read this year, there are a few characters that stand out among them all. One in particular, however, is Othello. He alone falls under the categories as a victim, a venerable, and yes, even a villain in some ways. I think that in some ways he may be one of the most complex characters that we have interacted with all year. He is bold, yet sensitive; brave, but also cowardly; good, yet evil. Othello was obviously a venerable; he was a military general. In act 2, we see him very willing and able to go to Cyprus to help defeat the Turks. He is ready to go without hesitation. That is physical honor, but we can also see a psychological honor in the Act 5, when he decides to kill himself over mistakes he has made, because he lost sight of his personal morals. Throughout the work of Othello, he is depicted as a strong, courageous man who people can look up to. …show more content…

From the very beginning in Act 1, when Othello gives Cassio the position that Iago thought should have been his, Iago starts scheming revenge on Othello. This is the main plot of the story, as Iago is secretly and cunningly planning against Othello and slowly turning everybody against him. There is very little that Othello can do, however, as he does not know any of this plotting against him was going on. He is a victim of his wife and her family turning on him, his leaders turning on him, and just about everyone else. Iago did a very good job of making sure that it appeared that Othello was the one making the mistakes, and that his own evil was hidden to the people. Othello was victimized into trusting the one person who we, as the readers, know he shouldn’t trust at

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