
Is Monogamy Over? : Is It?

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Is Monogamy over?

An important question that is being asked in America, Is Monogamy over? In my opinion, No. The definition of monogamy to me is being intimate, sexual or emotional, with one person for a period of time. Many people are questioning monogamy because of so many broken homes and broken relationships, but is it because of the monogamy issue in the United States? Or is the problem much deeper? Maybe the definition of monogamy has changed? I think if a relationship begins with trust and strong communication monogamy will be easier to attain. I also believe the more spiritual/religious a couple is, monogamy is possible. And lastly, the happier and more satisfied an individual is in a relationship the easier it is to be in a monogamous relationship.
Trust and Communication are the two most important components in a relationship, without these two components monogamy is hard to achieve. At the beginning of a relationship people need to lay out all his or her deal breakers. Society is not as conservative as before, but at the same time not everyone has joined the modern way of thinking. Some people are okay with having more than one partner, for example: swingers, polygamist, open relationships, threesomes, etc.… and some people are not okay with that. When entering a relationship we have to be able to communicate to the other person and trust that they are honest, and are not saying what the other person wants to hear. At the same time we need to respect the other

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