The three main type of lies, are white lies and lies to protect others, liar to liar to cause harm. Experts like bradton express that liars are Sometimes justified but it complicates relationship where as immanuel kant believes that all lies are unjustified. Teens in the article exhibit lies as being justified when protecting others. Lying to others is sometimes justified when someone's in danger, 0r to protect ourselves and protect the relationship.
First of all, lying is sometimes justified when someone's life is in danger. For instance lying is never justified according to immanuel kant who believed that all lying is bad. But i feel lying is justified if your saving someone's life. For example, cohen explains that Not Only Is lying justified, It is sometimes a mural duty. This evidence highlight that, when a family member is being told off it's my job to defend them. One can see by this, that you just have to do it you don't have a choice. Moreover cohen identifies that, lying to protect someone from harm, so it's a justified time to lie paragraph 10 Article 1. One again notice that, lying could save others from serious harm and trouble. This is most important because, you could save people's life with those lies people don't accepted.
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Granted kant believe that all lies are bad even if it's a life or death situation (article 2, paragraph 10), yet people think a lie to protect our life is acceptable. For example an 18, year old Tim feel that becoming a good liar is a necessary, survival skills. This shows that lying, Is sometimes ok to save people's lives. One can see by this, lying could be use to avoid danger. For instance, article 3, blanton argues that all our life we been taught to lie. This evidence highlight, that many people been lying since a really age. This is important because, with lying you could get away from serious danger. In conclusion lying is justified when we protect
Kant argues the it is never permissible to lie as it is immoral. He believes a lie harms humanity and our entire social life. He then states "it is never permissible to lie, even if by lying we could save a friend from being murdered. Although Kant believes it is immoral to lie, it may sometimes be immoral to speak the truth. When speaking the truth it may improve their life but that is not always the case. If we speak the truth to cause pointless embarrassment or harm to one another it is just as bad as lying to them. The truth is sometimes more damaging than useful and will make that person rethink of what they have been doing and a worse life experience. Sometimes the truth should be avoided if it is to cause pointless pain and
William Shakespeare once said, “God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another.” Lying is without a doubt never justifiable because lying can lead into even greater conflicts that might never be resolved additionally lying would ruin someone’s reputation; one might argue that lying can be justifiable under one circumstance which is that lying can protect people from danger; however, lying can make someone lose people’s trust.
Lying can be described as the act of telling an untruth, but just when is it ok to lie? In the articles, “It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying,” from Life on, and “Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth,” by Barbara Ballinger, it provides evidence that leads me to believe that lying is acceptable when you do it to protect a relationship or someone from a life or death situation.
Lying Is a serious situation, but is lying necessarily a bad thing when it comes to protecting others? It is sometimes okay to lie, when there is an unselfish, protective reason to be untruthful. The articles “Brad Blanton, Honestly, Tell The Truth,” and “It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying,” both provide info when it is acceptable to lie. In “Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth,” Brad provides an example, involving Anne Frank, when it is okay to be dishonest.
There are 4 kinds of lies, there is a lie in the interest of the liar, lie to protect someone, lie to cause harm, or lie by omission. Lying is sometimes acceptable because lying can protect others, it might get you out of a difficult situation, however lying can hurt others even yourself. There is many examples of when lying is okay. Dishonesty is justified when it can protect others. In “Brad Blanton: Honestly Tell the Truth” by Barbara Ballinger it says, “... if you’re hiding Anne Frank in your attic because her life is in danger, “ it is right.
“...ok to lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.” The people who believe lying is justified, usually say it’s ok to not tell the truth to cover someone’s feelings or to keep someone from being hurt mentally and/or physically. However in the long run, they may think it’s for the better but are still blatantly lying and could possibly cause even more damage than intended. “Apparently even white lies are acceptable, even necessary.” Everyone tells a white lie here and there, and if they’re lucky it won’t affect anyone, but why should it be risked? Just because we color code a lie doesn’t makes it kind of “ok.” Do we say a white lie is ok, and a yellow lie is bad, and a red lie is unacceptable?o, because a lie is lie in the end, whether is considered a “white lie” or just a lie. A person might tell a white lie, but gets caught so has to cover it with another lie again and again, and in the end turns out not to be considered a white lie anymore. Others who say it’s justified, have a different opinion on lying, but as a question, why should we lie when honesty is an option?Everyday people hear others lie and see how bad the outcome it could be, however still deliberately lie. When a person lies to you they don’t respect you in a way others don’t see, or when a person calls you a liar they insult your integrity. However, in vise versa if the opposite person lies to them they are being egocentric. So in the
Furthermore, it is justified to lie in order to prevent hurting someone. Most people are familiar with the white lies we tell to avoid an argument or just to make others feel better. These lies can be found in the article “It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying”, published by Within this article, people are asked about their opinions on when it is okay to lie. It states, “In the AP-Ipsos poll, 65 percent
Have you ever lied to avoid getting in trouble, or to protect someone’s feelings? Most likely, since everyone lies at least once in their life. But then, there’s the big question: is lying justified? Most Americans say that white lies are okay, or lies to protect someone’s feelings. Some say that it is never justified, while others say that most lies are justified, even though by lying, it can have a bad consequence. My position is that lying is sometimes justified if you’re trying to protect someone.
Joud zahran 10.5 Lies And Deception We all lie, we all have our secrets are reasons to why. Some people might define lying as good, a way to spare another from pain or themselves. Others may see it badly. As for the definition of lies from “a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.”
One reason why lying is mostly unjustified is because it’s even more stressful than telling the truth. In the article “Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth” by Barbara Ballinger she focuses on Brad Blanton, a psychotherapist that states “ keeps you locked in the jail of your own mind… truth is easier, takes less time… less stressful.” This shows that lying is mostly unjustified because although many people think lying is easier, it just makes it harder on yourself. It creates stress and fills your mind with guilt. In reality, it’s easier to deliver the truth to the person you lied to. In spite of this, many people still disagree with this argument. For example, in the article ”It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying” by NBCNews they quote Bella DePaulo who studied about the phenomenon about lying and states ””People who say lying is wrong are often thinking in the abstract… we can’t always pick honesty without compromising some other value that might be as important”-like maintaining a happy relationship… partner is saying something you
Lots of people lie, but when is it actually justified to lie and when is it not justified? In four articles each author shared their opinions on lying. Each author had a different perspective on the topic. Lying is sometimes acceptable when it is used to protect the feelings of others.
Lying to someone to keep them from harm or from hurting their feelings can sometimes be acceptable. Lying can also make people not have full trust in you like they did before they found out you lied. People have their own outlooks on things so there are others to make think lying is acceptable always, never, or sometimes. In that event, DePaulo asked 77 students in the late ‘90s, and later asked 77 students in Charlottesville, VA community to tell how many people have lied. Of the 77 students only one claimed to having told no lie. While, of the other 70 students, six made that
Is it always morally wrong to lie? Yes, I strongly agree, others might disagree; moreover, this can depend on one’s own morals.
From a young age, we are taught that lying is bad and it’s a sign of immaturity. However, our parents tell us these things as they lie to our face, called “white lies.” There are many instances in our culture when lying would be deemed acceptable: saving a life, fraudulent reassurance, or preserving harmony. To understand lying more, focus on the repercussions or punishments for lying. People are more inclined to lie when they fear the punishment that entails. We are quick to call others liars and frauds while we don’t even have a firm grasp between our idea of lying and truth telling. Our society draws an unclear line about when it is okay to lie and when not to. Basing everything purely off justification.
In Article 2 we learn about a German philosopher named Immanuel Kant. He believes that lying cannot be justified in any circumstance. He states that “ a lie, even if it does not wrong any particular individual, it always harms mankind individually.” His statement talks about how a lie will always harm someone no matter how big or small the lie is and it won’t matter whether it was your intention to harm or not. He also talks about how lying harms the liar by “ destroying his human dignity and making him more worthless than a small thing.” This statement alone shows how damaging lying can be especially if you care about your dignity and self worth. His evidence clearly supports honesty and why lying just can’t be justified.