Every person has some kind of goals, it may be such as changing people's life or even world. Like on the way to every final destination every one will have all kinds of problems that needs to be solved to reach that goal. Is it okay to lie or cheat to obtain that goal? It's really matter of goal if it's righteous or foolish, and to whom lie and cheat. Goal such as saving people like it was during the World War II when people were keeping Jewish in secret from Nazis consider as righteous goals. People who were hiding Jewish most of the time were lying to Nazis and they were risking their life, and it was a very brave deed. Another example from my family's life of that was what happened under the dictator rule of a communist
I agree with the fact that lying is NOT okay. BUT, its also okay in certain situations. Most adults lie to their children about multiple things such as: believing there is a Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, etc. Some adults Some children think what they are being told is true
Lying, something most people say is really bad. Is it actually though. Lying isn't that terrible depending on how it's used. It can be used to get to prevent getting yourself in trouble, to get something that is cool, to keep a relationship, or to even keep a friend. Lying is ok in certain situation
Our goal in life is first, to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And second, to “Love your neighbor as yourself,” Matthew 22:37, 39 (NIV). If we do these things, then we have completed the purpose of our lives here on
The mother-in-law was already receiving medical treatment; therefore, to some extent she might now that she will die soon. Even though she was not capable of retaining information, is possible that she was able to realize this before dying. It is true that everybody has the right to know the truth because denying her this might deprive someone from someone else. In here we are not judging the morality of the act of lying but the benefits and consequences of it. For many people, lying is a wrong act; however, lying is not always immoral if it produces better consequences than telling the truth. For instance, this act can be morally right if the overall result of lying maximize a greatest happiness or pleasure to a greater number of people over
They say it’s bad to lie, but is it really when it makes you feel better? I have lied to myself countless of times. Sometimes, I’d rather live in an illusion. It’s easier than to live my life. One of the biggest lies I have fed myself, occurred when I was younger, before my parent’s divorce. It started when I was young, but not young enough to be oblivious to the signs. I remember the first day I accepted that something was wrong, it was like yesterday. I heard a loud bang from downstairs that woke me up in the middle of the night. I was scared so I went to my parent’s bedroom, but no one was there, so I thought maybe my dad was away like usual and that Mom was the one to make the sound. Then the thought of a burglar being responsible for the
Lying today is quite a disregarded subject, causing its reputation enough to make people uneasy. Most are taught at a young age that lying is substandard, lousy, or even cheap, and that you should never use it to your benefit. Of course we don’t want to be a lousy person, but what about lying makes it so? Why is it considered so immoral and frowned upon by many social norms? Luckily for us there are two very appealing essays that help us crack these baffling questions. In these essays, they define the meaning of a lie, why we always seem to use them, and if they are actually bad for us. In Stephanie Ericsson’s The Ways We Lie it talks about the different types of lies, how and why we use them and what consequences can be followed by each lie. Also, adding clarity is Richard Gunderman’s article Is Lying Bad for Us that talks about how people lie to cope with things, but also expresses how lying might be bad for our physical or mental health.
This paper discusses the issue of truth telling in nursing and the concept of therapeutic lying in order to avoid harming the patient. It also provides a personal example of the challenges involved in disclosing bad news for nursing students.
Have you been accused of lying and are feeling down? If so, I would like to share that lying can fall into two categories; justified and unjustified. Unjustified lies usually consist lies intended to cause harm and lies used for the liar’s favor. Justified lies include white lies and lies used to protect others from danger. So, lies can be justified if certain conditions are met.
Do you know that lying can get you in a lot of trouble?The story thank you mam has a critical lesson behind it in our society.You can avoid trouble by being honest.Being honest is better than lying you can get what you want without lying or stealing stealing is bad and honesty is on of the best policies in this world.
Immanuel Kant was a great philosopher that came up with many philosophical thoughts. He represents philosophy at it’s best. One issue that went against his moral laws was that of people having a lack of honesty or lying. Kant was strongly in favor of the view that when the ethical and moral decision to lie is made by a person, they’re would always be negative consequences of they’re choice. Kant also held the firm belief that lying was wrong at all times. I disagree, my view is that sometimes all lying is not wrong.
Lying is a bad thing, and everyone should be aware of that. Humans lie that’s just the truth. Although, we lie there are some lies that are acceptable.
Hi MacKenzie, I can see why you believe there are certain times you find it is better to lie. As a rule though lying I think is a bad idea. I agree that lying can lead to more harm than happiness if done for selfish reasons. Hinman stated that respect is to act a certain way toward someone or refrain from acting in a particular way” (Hinman, pg. 176). In respect to your example the person was treating the Jewish families with respect by hiding them while refraining from turning them over to the Nazi which would have been very disrespectful and caused them harm.
People often tell lies to benefit themselves, not knowing that they could potentially be hurting another person. If a person is covering up something that they did, they’re lying. If they want to make a friend feel better about themselves by complimenting them on something that isn’t true, they’re lying. According to Lying is not awful for our society because we’ve been doing it for so long that it has become a habit for people to lie and it doesn’t affect us anymore.
Lying means that do not tell the true and it is one of most common actions nowadays. There are severally popular reasons to defend that lying sometimes is necessary. For example, there purpose for lying to delays pains, suffering and harm. However, with Kant's theory, the lying is wrong and it is wrong acts.
In my daily life, people always lie for purpose. For instance, my friend would like to transfer to California’s college. The college required the TOEFL test, and she has already prepared for the test and waited to transfer