
Is Hospital Acquired Infections?

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A nurse does not have time to properly wash her hands, a doctor leaves a catheter in a day too long, equipment was not properly cleaned; all these things seem like minuscule mistakes but are they really? These mistakes can lead to hospital acquired infections, an issue that affects millions of patients every year in the US as well as all over the rest of the world. This is an issue that should not be taken lightly. Hospital acquired infections occur in high frequencies, with many reasons that could be prevented, leading to protocols put in place to try and reduce these incidents. Hospital acquired infections are best described as: “Nosocomial infections are hospital acquired infections (HAI) also known as health care associated …show more content…

There are multiple reasons that play into patients acquiring these infections. One of those reasons being the characteristics of the patients. For example infants, the elderly, people with compromised immune systems, and patients that have devices inserted for therapeutic purposes are all at greater risk to contract an infection (Feasey & Molyneux, 2011). The devices that are inserted for therapeutic purposes are a huge factor related to hospital acquired infections. Urinary catheters are the top device to cause an infection; in fact 97% of urinary tract infections are due to catheterization. 87% of people that obtain a bloodstream infection receive the infection from a central line. Lastly 83% of pneumonia acquired in the hospital is linked to the use of mechanical ventilation (Chang et al., 2011). Then there is the health care worker side that plays into effect. One of the number one reasons an infection is created or spread is because a health care worker did not properly wash his or her hands or their patient’s hands. This seems like an obvious way to prevent an infection but yet it still remains one of the top factors that leads to a hospital acquired infection. Hand hygiene is not the only hygienic issue. Health care workers do not always follow proper personal protective equipment guidelines. They may not always don gloves when

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