
Is Hamlet Melancholy Dane Or Insane

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“Is Hamlet the “Melancholy Dane”, or does he simply use his melancholia to his advantage in his vengeance? When approaching this play many people like to bring up to question whether or not Hamlet is insane, or simply grieving is mischief. Most come to the conclusion that Hamlet has been drawn to insanity. This would be understandable if those people were not giving him the credit he deserved. How long would your sanity last if your father died while seemingly healthy, your mother married your uncle, and not even more than two months later, you’ve seen a ghost, and that ghost looks just like your recently deceased father and it tells you that your new king killed your father. All the while everyone involved but yourself showed no sign of indifference towards anything happening, as if everything was all the same. Hamlet was no tradesman, he was well schooled. He knew how to think deeply, and be methodical and keen. The story begins with tragedy though despite everything, Hamlet is able to …show more content…

Hamlet lets himself almost become lost in his sadness, and depression. The new king, his uncle, looms ever-present for him now, at the worst possible time too. King Claudius says horrid things such as, “A surviving son is obliged to show proper sorrow for a while. But to continue in obstinate woe is to act with stubborn irreverence”, and “It is unmanly grief.”(1.2.92) This incestuous man tries to insert himself into Hamlets life like a parasite. “… I offer you a love no less noble than that which the fondest father feels for his son. As for your intention of going back to school in Wittenberg, it is completely against my wishes”, the King says as he tries to manipulate Hamlet.(1.2.112) All Hamlet could desire at this point in his life would be to be left at peace, to figure things out in his life. His world is turned upside down before he ever gets the chance, though, straining and testing Hamlets

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