
Is Fair Trade Organization?

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Merriam-Webster defines fair trade as “a movement whose goal is to help producers in developing countries to get a fair price for their products so as to reduce poverty, provide for the ethical treatment of workers and farmers, and promote environmentally sustainable practices” (Merriam-Webster, 2016). Although the endeavor of Fair Trade is defined as one to aid producers in developing countries, some results have not proven to align with the goals of improving the social, working, and living conditions in third world countries. The ideal process of fair trade begins with the producer in a developing country of a product (like coffee, vanilla, or chocolate). The producer must become fair trade certified to enter the market, and must meet producer standards implemented by the Fair Trade Organization, then the producer can sell their product in bulk to a buyer, exporter or importer. The buyer, exporter , or importer must also become fair trade certified and meet trader standards. They will pay the producer at least the least possible price for the Fair Trade product agreed upon through a process of consulting with Fair Trade producers and buyers, plus a premium which is allotted to a fund for farmers and workers to improve living conditions in their community. The bulk product is then sold to a manufacturer, held to trader standards as well, who offer the final product to a brand owner. The brand owner must have a license to use the Fair Trade mark on their packaging before

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