
Is Dyslexia Actually True?

Decent Essays

How much of what you know about dyslexia is actually true? Dyslexia is a learning disability that many people do not understand. Many people think they know enough about it to understand what it is and like, but they are wrong. People do not fully know and can’t fathom what dyslexia is, the signs and symptoms of dyslexia, how dyslexia affects someone, the best way to teach and help someone with it, and the mindset and talents of a dyslexic. Most likely, only dyslexic’s will fully understand dyslexia because it’s hard for other people to understand having this disability. “Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability” (“Frequently Asked Questions”). It makes reading, writing, comprehending, summarizing, spelling, and many other things that involve words and letters difficult. Some people with it may even struggle with math while others could be astounding at it. Dyslexia is not a form of retardation, but sadly 80% of people associate dyslexia with some form of retardation (“Dyslexia Facts and Statistics”). In most cases, dyslexia is genetic, but researchers still do not know how it is caused, passed down, or generated with or without a genetic past (“Frequently Asked Questions”). Dyslexia will never go away, so people with it will have to learn to overcome it.
People usually think that the sign or …show more content…

Obviously, it will affect them when they read or write, but it will also affect their views on themselves and their mental health. Since dyslexic’s struggle so much, they often end up believing they are stupid, which ends up causing their self-esteem and confidence to plummet, which then can make them lack a motive to keep trying (Emily Lapkin). Since a dyslexic has to put a lot of effort into things that most people find effortless, their stress and anxiety rises which can cause them to become frustrated easier (Emily Lapkin). If dyslexic’s are taught correctly, the effects won't be as

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