
Is Deism A Religion Or Philosophy?

Decent Essays

In the 17th and 18th centuries, many people became interested in explanations based off of Science and started to become skeptical of magic and miracles. That he created a perfect world in which he doesn’t need to intervene. They believe in the fact that the universe is run by natural laws. They aren’t believers in miracles occurring. So with that being said is Deism a Religion or Philosophy? Deism is definitely a type of Religion. Philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality and existence. While Religion is a set of beliefs and practices. Deciding whether or not Deism is a Religion or a Philosophy has become quite difficult. It feels as if it’s possible that it’s a mixture of both, but with all the research on Deism done, I’m leaning towards …show more content…

That perfectly sums up what Deism is, it’s a type of Religion that doesn’t believe that you have to worship God every Sunday, it’s where you can feel like you can believe in God without having to worry about all the rituals, and where you don’t have to feel like you’re being pressured into believing in what the bible has to say. You don’t have to go to church or do the usual religious sacraments. It’s about believing in God without the preconceived notion that you have to live your life following what the Religions leaders say. Religions have places where they sit and worship God. These places are either Churches or Temples. Even though the Deist “Religion” doesn’t have either of those, there are Deist out there who are coming up with what they are calling the Deist Reason Center. It will have people who are Deist and will introduce people to the other Deist. The center will teach classes such as Astronomy, Biology, and the Sciences. Even though this isn’t a church or a temple it’s a place where the Deist Religion can be experienced. Since Deism means something different to so many people there is not going to be a place meant for them to specifically go to that is an organized religion. They can freely go to a certain church and still believe in what the foundation of what Deism is. The centers, they are wanting to create around the world aren’t meant to be like a Church. Churches don’t pay taxes, and these centers will sense they won’t be identified as a church. Even though that’s true, and it isn’t what we consider a place of worship it is still a place to learn about different things in the Natural Religion of

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