
Is College Worth It Essay

Decent Essays

Is College Worth It? (Embedded Assessment #2) For most people, senior year is all about preparing for college and getting ready for the next stage of your life. For others, it’s a year-long debate between choosing to continue on the school path, or taking a turn and going directly into the working field. When it comes to college, everyone has a different opinion, some people believe that college is the only way to go and others think it’s a waste of time, as well as money. Well here’s my take, no matter who you are or what your plan is, going to college will help you in the long run. College is a unique experience that can't be re-created, your college moments will be something you look back on for the rest of your life. Getting a college …show more content…

Different universities all over the world provide a plethora of classes that could potentially benefit you in the career field you’re looking into. According to Andrew J. Rotherham, author of Actually, College is Very Much
Worth It, “education gives you choices,” (80). Even if you’re going into college not really sure where you want your life to go, taking different classes can help you discover something you love to do, or maybe you’ll find a subject that just isn’t your cup of tea and know what not to take. College could very well be the place where, “dreams come true.” This is the time where most people truly discover who they are and find out what they really want to do with their life; universities are filled with unique experiences that teach you not only educationally, but morally.
If you make a mistake, you learn from it. All in all, going to college helps you identify yourself and pursue your dreams. If you’re someone who’s vacillating going to college, consider this: what will having a college education mean to you? College means something different to every person; everyone has had a different experience. In my personal opinion, I believe that no matter who are or

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