
Essay about Is Bureaucracy Irrational? Reflect Critically

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Is bureaucracy irrational? Reflect critically

In sociological theories, bureaucracy denotes either a means of management, or a particular kind of organization. Such organizations tend to have homogenous characteristics, including regularized procedure, the existence of a discretionary budget, a tendency to expand their resources continuously and progressively, and impersonal relationships with much competition for political position within the organization. 'Bureau', is a French word meaning desk; thus, 'Bureaucracy' in literal sense is to manage through a desk or office, so a form of organization heavily involved with written documents or in these days their electronic equivalent. Most economic theories of bureaucracy …show more content…

This leads to the measurement of numerical values becoming the governing element of decision making to reach success. Alternatively, ‘substantive rationality’ involves considerations of social justice, ethical standards and a concern for social equity. Weber believed that formal and substantive rationality are totally different from each other, and that formal rationality does not rely on values and ethics to make decision to reach goals.
It was also Weber who began studies of bureaucracy, and whose works led to the popularization of this as a term. He developed theories of leadership, and how as society and organizational structure have changed over time, leadership techniques and organizational structures corporations adopt have adapted accordingly. Weber identifies three types of leader: the charismatic leader, who instills a sense of energy and eagerness among their team members. He is dedicated to his organization for the long run to produce adequate results. Secondly we have traditional authority, which is legitimated by the sanctity of tradition. The ability and right to rule is passed down, and is often often hereditary. But bureaucracies are typically led by the rational-legal leader, leading to a rise in this type of authority in recent times. This rational-legal will establish a clear structure within their organization, and follow procedures as they have been established, perfectly tying in with instrumental rationality. Bureaucratic leaders

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