
Is Banquo Responsible For Macbeth

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Firstly, Banquo is responsible for King Duncan's death, because he knew Macbeth was up to no good. After finding out that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and eventually King, the witches prophecies began coming true. Banquo warned Macbeth to be wary of the witches, since they were not only agents of evil, but they also shared only half-truths as a means of manipulation. Despite Banquo's warning, Macbeth continues to believe the witches and even asks Banquo to stand by his side to which he responds, "So I lose none in seeking to augment it, but still keep my bosom franchised and allegiance clear, I shall be counselled" (Act 2, Scene 1). In essence, Banquo tells Macbeth that he'll only stand by his side if he can continue to "keep my bosom

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