
Is Alcoholism A Disease Or A Lifestyle Choice?

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From the website, Patient Info, recently presented a discussion in whether alcoholism is a disease or a lifestyle choice. One blogger expressed her opinion about how alcoholism is genetic and that parents, about how it is genetic that anxiety and depression is inherited from parents leading, to becoming an addict. But the blogger by the name of andrew69055 stated, “People would do well to work more on resolving anxiety and depression rather than using alcohol disease as an excuse…People need hope and motivation and the handed out excuse that it’s a disease is destructive….It removes all sense of guilt and responsibility. Cancer is a disease which the patient, apart from a positive attitude relies completely on the medical profession for their recovery. To put alcoholism and addiction in the same context is an insult to the cancer patient.” Like this blogger stated alcoholism should not be categorized in the same defense as cancer. Alcoholism is a life choice that people make in life. People are at free will to choose how they live and every move that they make.
Many people have been misguided about whether or not alcoholism is “disease” that attacks a person’s good health. A key suggestion of those that believe alcoholism is a disease is that a disease is uncontrolled. This is not so. When people develop an addiction to alcohol they tend to push everything of importance out of their lives: family, friends, and sometimes even jobs. People with addiction to alcohol throw

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