
Irreversible Cell Injuries

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Explain the pathological processes associated with the term “heart muscle died.”
Heart muscle died as a results of myocardial infarction (MI) which the main coronary arteries was blocked, and large part of the heart muscle was affected due to cellular death from lack of blood flow and oxygen. Cell death is one of the most crucial events in the evolution of MI. A heart attack or MI is usually caused by a blood clot (thrombosis) that forms inside a coronary artery, or one of its branches, which suddenly blocks and stops the blood flowing to a part of the heart muscle. When the blood flow is interrupted necrosis occurs ( McCance & Huether, 2014).
Discuss and contrast reversible and nonreversible cell injury. As per your analysis, what type of cell injury did Mr. Smith sustain and why? Include pathophysiological processes involved with cell injury. …show more content…

For example, cellular swelling occurs due to cellular hypoxia, which damages the sodium-potassium membrane pump; as well as fatty change it can impair cellular function and damage the cell ability of adequately metabolize fat. Both situations are reversible when the causes are eliminated. In contrast, irreversible cell injury is the cell death with continuing damage, the injury becomes irreversible, which the cell cannot recover and dies. There are two types of cell death necrosis and apoptosis. When damage to membranes is severe, enzymes leak out of lysosomes, enter the cytoplasm, and digest the cell, resulting in necrosis ( McCance & Huether, 2014). Necrosis is the major pathway of cell death in many commonly encountered injuries, for example resulting from ischemia, exposure to toxins, various infections, and

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