
Irish Immigration In The Late 1800s

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From earlier times, America has been a nation welcoming of immigrants, starting with its original inhabitants, who crossed the land bridge connecting Asia and North America years ago. By the 1500s, the first Europeans, the Spanish and French, had set up establishing settlements in what would become the United States. Immigrants came to America seeking economic opportunities. Europeans who made the journey became indentured servants (an employee within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract to work for a particular employer for a fixed time). Although some people voluntarily indentured themselves, others were kidnapped and forced into servitude in America. Additionally, thousands of English convicts were shipped across the Atlantic as indentured servants. Evidently the various immigrant groups each migrated due to varying push and pull factors. The lifestyle of these immigrants ranging from Chinese, German, Irish, Italians and the like, are examined to determine various factors that caused their migration and for some led to their emigration. Jacob Riis, author of “How the Other Half Lives”, expands on living conditions …show more content…

The Irish had to go through criticism and face prejudice which was like the Chinese who had to face exclusion, discrimination and segregation. So, both groups are extremely alike since they both had to endure hardships and criticism in America. However, there was disparity between both immigrant groups' hardships. This is because the Chinese had to go through total exclusion from America for several years based on their race while the Irish were allowed into this country but harassed because of their nationality. Regardless, the Chinese's and Irish's situations were still very similar because they both went through harsh criticism and treatment during the same

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