
Ira Katznelson's When Affirmative Action Was White

Decent Essays

In Ira Katznelson’s book, When Affirmative Action Was White , Katznelson argues for the implementation of affirmative action to decrease the marginalization of African Americans. Although he supports its execution, he’s also the first to address the faults within the system, that are in need of correction in order to see greater results of decreased racism. Katznelson starts off reviewing parts of America’s history, more specifically, times when government programs were instilled to better the lives of supposedly all Americans. These programs such as, the New Deal, Fair Deal, Great Society, social security, and many others were thought to be aimed at helping all, when in actuality, they were only there to serve white Americans. President …show more content…

Johnson’s idea of attacking discrimination and its effects at the root. Katznelson believes that in exchange for figuratively lifting up the poor black population, there needs to be government aid programs emplaced at the bottom most layer. By lifting up the marginalized black population, it will have a circular effect, by bettering the people above them as well. In other words, Katznelson would like to expand upon Johnson’s decree of affirmative action, to bring forth a more widespread solution. Katznelson’s idea of having programs directed specifically at this demographic might be due to, times in the past when, government programs were aimed at benefitting the poor, but excluded African Americans. Katznelson states that this occurred as a direct result of politics. Northern Democrats needed a way to secure the Southern representatives support in Congress. In sort of a compromise, Northern Democrats allowed the South control over programs like the New Deal, if they would agree to vote for the relief programs. This resulted in government assistance being reliant on race. As poor white Americans were being lifted up, and a middle class emerged, black Americans were becoming further and further

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