
Involvement In Gang Culture

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Written Assignment Three The gang culture glorifies alcohol and substance use and a lavish lifestyle but doesn’t reveal the brutal initiation process that is required to get to that point. It also doesn’t discuss the repercussions that are associated with refusing to participate in the gangs’ day-to-day activities. This lifestyle can result in much more than just a poor reputation when you have reached adulthood but possibly incarceration or even death. Many adolescents fail to realize that their actions today carveout their future. Popular celebrities such as Lil Wayne and Chris Brown contribute to this glorification while not acknowledging the detrimental effects of that lifestyle choice. While other celebrities such as Mark Wahlberg openly …show more content…

According to a recent Advancement Project report heir are six major risk factors that contribute to gang involvement: lack of jobs for youth, poverty in conjunction with social isolation, domestic violence, negative peer networks, lack of parental supervision, and early academic failure and lack of school attachment (Why People Join Gangs). These risk factors aren’t a guarantee that an individual will join a gang, but they are contributing factors that increase the odds.
Additional reasons vary dependent on the individual. Gangs can provide them with a sense of family because there is a lack of support in their household. Often an individual can be seeking a father figure. Gang life can also lure perspective prospects who lack the essentials such as food and shelter. Many gangs have direct affiliation with illegal activities such as selling drugs or burglary which they make a profit from. There are also varying reasons such as peer pressure, tradition, or …show more content…

They must take on the male-associated characteristics such as being violent and wearing men’s clothing while cooking and caring for the men and children (The Mara Women). This is extremely prevalent because gangs often believe that women appear less suspicious to authorities which allows them to act as drug mules or carry firearms in public.
Many gangs thrive on intimidation which becomes a necessity to establish their reputation. Activities such as partying, substance abuse, and robbing people are glamorized and seen as appealing from individuals on the outside looking in. Not all gang activity is negative, some gangs have been known to hold fundraising events or being active in the community and giving to the local youth. Regardless of the event or action all members are expected to participate or face fierce

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