
Invictus By William Ernest Henley

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The title of the poem is “Invictus” and it is written by William Ernest Henley. The theme of the poem is stubbornness, resilience. Though the writer is in a challenging situation, or a difficult time, and he doesn’t lose hope, or submit to life’s torments. No matter what life throws at you, no matter what hardships you go through, you mustn’t break, you must stand strong and tall.

In stanza one, the poet is in a predicament. It is understood that there is a pitch black darkness, disguised as a problem, and there is no way out of it. He prays to god in a very agnostic way, saying “whatever gods may be”. A he prays, he isn’t asking for more strength to deal with the situation, but simply thanks them for the strength he already possesses. That, in itself, in an indication of how the poet’s soul is invincible. The second stanza stands and continues to tell the story of a brave and courageous soul, the didn’t complain at all when faced with difficult circumstances. Even when the problems were staring straight into the poets eyes. “I have not winced nor cried aloud.” He hasn’t cried or complained about anything. Neither has he sobbed or scream in pain. “My head is bloody, but unbowed.” His head is bloody and hurt, but he is not bowing down to the challenges, not giving up. He is not letting the difficulties control him or rule him. …show more content…

The poet knows that he is living a life filled with never-ending threats and he knows that the coming days only hold bigger problems, for example, death. But he knows that all the troubles he has faced, and all the injuries he has sustained over the years, have prepared him for what is yet to come in

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