
Investigation Of A Coil Gun

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Abstract: The task of this assignment is to evaluate the of a coil gun using the variables of number of rapes of coil and the distance the projectile will travel. Then will evaluate and investigate the physics behind the gun. Aim: The purpose of this investigation the efficiency of a coil gun using the relationship between the number of coils and the distance the projectile travelled. Hypothesis: In this investigation there is a relationship between the number of coils and the distance the projectile travelled. Therefore the more coils the further the projectiles will travel (cm). Prediction: As more coils are wrapped around the gun, the distance of the projectile will increase. Literature Review: Coil gun A coilgun (aka gun Gauss, Gauss Gauss cannon or rifle) is a type of gun that uses a series of electromagnets for magnetically accelerate a projectile at high speed. The name "Gauss gun" comes from Carl Friedrich Gauss, who formulated the mathematical proofs of the electromagnetic effect used by Gauss cannons. The Gauss cannons are often called wrongly railguns from various sources, and while they are similar in general concept (ie, a magnetic weapon), differ in operation, since a railgun accelerates the missiles on two rails parallel conductors. The Gauss cannons are in substance identical to the projector mass, albeit on a smaller scale. Kristian Birkeland is commonly considered the inventor of the electromagnetic cannon Gauss, by which he obtained a patent

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