E1 - Electrostatics (Potential & Field)
Date: 26th of August 2014
Partners: Luke Silveira and Tivanka Anandappa
This practical involved investigating the behaviour of equipotential and electric field lines between two electrodes (which represented the a parallel plate capacitor). Furthermore the effect of adding a conductor and an insulator between the two electrodes was explored to determine the electric potential produced from these configurations.
The setup involved three of paper with low conducting teledeltos paper on top to allow the marker to locate the potential at different points between the parallel plate. The power supply provided the potential difference of 10V between the two plates and thus etched marks
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From this relationship, it insinuates that potential decrease linearly with distance.
Equipment2: Power supply - to supply power to the electrodes Multimeter- measure the potential difference Wooden box - base for the parallel plate Two stainless steel clamps - used as the two electrodes Marking probe - to sketch the equipotential lines Stainless steel disc - used as the insulator and conductor Three types of paper Plain A4 photocopy paper - to record equipotential line markings Carbon paper -imprint the markings onto plain A4 Teledeltos paper - low electrical conducting material
Results and Analysis
Part A:
Ideal parallel plate capacitor has electric field lines that are perpendicular to the plates surface (between the two plates) and also perpendicular to the equipotential lines.
Diagram 1 (expected)
This value was determined based on numerous measurements of the fluctuating voltages and 0.1V was deemed a suitable value.
U(V) Multimeter: +-0.1V
Distances were measured using a 30 cm ruler with 1mm increments. Thus the uncertainty involved is
U(d) Distance: +-0.0005m
U(E)=U(V)/U(d) =0.1/10/0.005/0.168 =0.339 =+-0.3 V/m
From linest, the total uncertainty =+-3V/m
Theoretically calculated
The linear equation [2] E = ∆Vc/d can be used to calculate the theoretical electric field by subbing in the values of ∆Vc as 10V and the
The objective of this lab was to observe the behavior of a capacitor while charging through a resistor. Overall, the objective of the lab was achieved since an exponential curve was obtained from a charging capacitor.
If they do not, but are within the acceptable margin of error of ±20√4=±40’’, each angle is corrected to create a sum of 360˚. For this project, the angles added to 360˚ 00’ 10’’. After each angle is corrected, angle 412 is 78˚31’03’’, angle 123 is 99˚01’23’’, angle 234 is 92˚32’21’’, and angle 341 is 89˚53’13’’. After using the Total Station, the Auto level is used to measure the elevations of each point. The known elevation outside of Powell is 380’. The Auto level is placed between each point to measure the backsight and foresight. Once all the points are measured, all the backsights and foresights can be measured with the difference taken to find the error. With this project, the error was -0.128’. Next, the pacing between each point must be taken to find the correction for each elevation with the equation, (distance from known elevation/total level network distance) X total error. The total pacing for the project is 235 steps with a pace of 2.31 feet per step. After the corrections, point 4 is 379.384’, point 3 is 378.182’, point 2 is 379.093’, and point 1 is 379.645’. A transit is used to find the true north from the magnetic
\emph{Testing Strategy:} The graph between applied load in the range 0.5 grams to 575.5 grams and change in voltage is plotted. The graph obtained (see Figure~\ref{f:olggraph}) shows the inconsistent readings at many points for different combination of force applied. Also, the best curve equation is close to cubic, which is indication of bad design.\\*
Look at the calibration marks on your ruler to determine the degree of uncertainty and number of significant figures that can be made when measuring with a ruler.
Attending to the average accuracy results, the highest accuracy obtained by the Hassanat distance which achieved the first rank in all noise levels, followed by Lorentzian distance. The Lorentzian distance achieved the second rank only at level noise 10 %, 30%, 40%, 50%, 80% and 90%, but at level noise 20%, 60%, and 80% outperformed by Canberra distance and at level noise 40 %, it outperformed by Manhattan distance, where these distances, Canberra and Manhattan achieved the second rank in theses level of noise. The Canberra distance achieved the third rank at a level of noise 80% and 50%, 40%, 30% and 10 %. This distance at level noise 10 % was equivalent to the Square chi-square distance in the result. At a level of noise 90%, the
Therefore, a theoretical uncertainty value that accommodates both uncertainties of the measurement and the equipment is calculated. The theoretical uncertainty calculation is primarily based on the propagation of error formula. The theoretical uncertainty calculation is as follows.
6) Change the location of the positive charge to at least six widely different distances from the equipotential sensor. Record the voltage reading and distance at each location.
2. What does the Ammeter (on the left) measure? How is this shown in the simulation?
The difficulty comes in the very word measurement which implies some form of numerical logic. If we look at known distance measurements one
The assistant records the distance between the bottom of the ruler (the zero-centimetre mark) and the top of the thumb where the ruler has been caught in metres.
In each experimental run, the volume of electrolyte used is always kept to be 150cm3. This is measured using a 250cm3 measuring cylinder
We placed the cylinders at opposite ends of the paper, when we should have placed them much closer together. Though the equipotential lines still appeared as they should have, it may have been more accurate if they were closer together. -For the third experiment, we used two conductive metal rectangles. This experiment produced a result that was similar to the last experiment, vertical equipotential surface lines and horizontal from one rectangle to the other, electric field
In above diagram, upper plate has movement perpendicular to surface area of the plates. When voltage is applied across the capacitor, electrostatic force starts to pull upper plate
In a DC electric field, charged particles moves to an electrode that has anwith opposite polarity. In an AC electric field, charged particles oscillate, and their amplitudes are determined by the amount of the total particle charge.
When performing a mathematical calculation, it is important to pay attention to accuracy. Suppose you are asked to measure the width of a standard piece of paper such as a page in this research . The