
Invasive Species Threatens The Ecosystem

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Invasive Species Threatens the Ecosystem Every life form all over the world depends on the ecosystem for its survival. However, the ecosystem can be threatened when there is an excess or drop in resources. Many people will argue that human beings are the primary cause of this economic imbalance but are people the root of this problem? No. There is evidence that invasive species all over the country has also threatened our ecosystem. Invasive species are any living organism such a plants, fungus, insects, and fish just to name a few. Invasive species pose a threat to wildlife in many ways. (“National Wildlife Federation,” 2009) states species brought into an atmosphere that doesn’t have any predators are considered dangerous. They often breed and spread rapidly, assuming control over a region. Local untamed life has no advanced safeguards against the trespasser, and they stand no chance against species that has no predators (p.2). Furthermore, these species invade areas that they aren’t indigenous to and reproduce quickly. To further understand the underlying crux of invasive species and how this matter may come to fruition, I will provide an analogy of an article that addresses this problem, by summarizing and identifying the negative impact invasive species have on the ecosystem. Today, some may say that human beings are the reason invasive species prevail. According to Bright (1999), Obtrusive species are being transported through the worldwide

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