
Introduction to Work Psychology

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Does existing theory and research in work psychology help with the successful management of people at work? If so, in what way? If not, why not?
Introduction work psychology Work psychology is called by various names. In the US it is either called industrial psychology or by its newer name industrial/organizational psychology (or I/O psychology for short). British people meanwhiles call it occupational psychology, whilst Europe in general refers to ti as the psychology of work and organization and work and organizational psychology. Meanwhile, some parts of the field are buffered to as vocational psychology, managerial psychology and personnel psychology (Arnold & Randall et al., 2010). All in all though, the focus is the same: to identify the factors that contribute to man's working performance and to see how to improve these . The focus is on the psychology of man vis-a-vis his working environment.
Work psychology has two categories:
A. The employee and his environment
Work psychology focuses on the one hand on the individual and on the other on his environment. This is divided into two sub factors;
Fitting the man to the job (FMJ)
The focus is on making the man compatible for the job; in other words, focusing on employee selection, training, and vocational guidance. fitting the job to the man (FJM)
This one focuses on the environment and on the job match in that this consists of the the design of tasks, as well as the equipment and working conditions which

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