
Introduction of Art Nouveau

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Introduction to Art Nouveau

The "Art Nouveau" ("new art") movement was one of the first departures from classical art and design, towards a new modernism. The 'Modernism' and Art Nouveau movements occurred during what was known in France as the "Belle Époque," or "beautiful era" period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was primarily influenced by the radical work of Czech (Moravian) artist Alfons Mucha, Swiss decorative artist Eugène Grasset, and English illustrator Aubrey Beardsley ("The Peacock Skirt”) and the ground-breaking architecture and design work of Hector Guimard of Paris and Antoni Gaudí of Barcelona.

The Art Nouveau movement focussed heavily on the themes of nature, fantasy, and the female form, with …show more content…

In particular because of the art gallery "La Maison de l'Art Nouveau", which was opened as a showroom for the new art by a Japanese art collector, Siegfried Bing.

All the Art Nouveau artists were largely reacting against the Classic aesthetic, a style described as often "fussy and inhibited." They found a freeing vocabulary in natural and organic forms. The movement's signature motif was the S-curve, which might be found in a flower's stem on a brooch or the trail of smoke from a cigarette depicted in a theater poster.

The Art Nouveau artists were not shy about the naked body, contrary to their predecessors, and the Art Nouveau style is often described as a feminine one. But some Art Nouveau was also geometric as the forms designed by Wiener Werkstatte and Josef Hoffmann.

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Elegant Victorian cut



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|The Art Nouveau Jewelry Motifs were quite different: | |
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