
Introduction: There are many factors that contribute to students’ academic success, such as low

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There are many factors that contribute to students’ academic success, such as low levels of procrastination, a high level of work drive, being emotionally stable, and a low level of negative life stress. However, scholars have pointed out that many statistics instructors are concerned about the anxiety associated with taking a course in the subject (Bui & Alfaro, 2011). The results from studies investigating anxiety about statistics have shown that student attitudes to statistics courses have an impact on their success and competence (Bui & Alfaro, 2011). In deed most of undergraduate student tend to have negative attitude toward research method course. Therefore, it is an important to understand students attitude and helps …show more content…

One of these instruments was that of Attitude Toward Statistic (Wise,1985),which is compromised of two domains, student attitude toward the subject they enrolled in and student attitudes toward the usefulness of statistics in their study’s field. A further instrument was the survey of “ Attitudes Towards Statistics” (Schau et al, 1995), which was designed to measure 4 factors: affect of cognitive competence , value , attitudes about statistic’s and difficulty. However, the instrument (questionnaire) for this study, developed by Papanastasiou in 2002, was initially in Greek then translated into English (see appendix A). According to the author, by identifying subscales (factors) of attitude, research method teachers can include themselves in the approach of learning research from different aspects. Using these factors the instructors can facilitate the research method learning of students and help them to create more positive attitudes toward the course. The aim of this paper is to explore the multidimensional factor structure of the “Attitude Toward Research” scale (ATR).


1-Sample: Convenience sampling was undertaken. The data for this study were collected from students who had a compulsory course in social research methods at Middlesex University. The target population for this study included health students who are taking the Social Research Method module, MSc and MA social care workers, nurses and health environment students.

2- Setting:

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