
Introduction Of Gas Chromatography, Ethyl Benzene, And O Xylene

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Introduction to Gas Chromatography

Jeffrey Palumbo
ID: 20523300
Chem 224L
Section 003
Partner: Victor Łotocki
Date of Experiment: June 17, 2015

Gas chromatography is a common separation technique used in analytical chemistry to separate, identify and quantify the compounds present is a sample (Harris, 2010). The purpose of this experiment is to analyze a sample of TEX (toluene, ethyl benzene, and o-xylene) and identify the peaks from the resulting chromatogram. Another objective is to familiarize students with the instrumentation and theory behind the technique and compare isothermal and temperature-programmed runs.
There are two different injection methods for gas chromatography, split and splitless. Split injections are best used for samples containing high concentrations of analytes. In this injection method, a fraction of the sample is used and the rest is discarded. The complete injection would contain too much analyte, overload the column, and produce inaccurate results. A splitless injection is used for very dilute solutions. Approximately 80% of the sample is applied to the column and the gas is analyzed by slowly raising the temperature of the column to vaporize the solvent at the head of the column. This method cannot be used for isothermal chromatography (Harris, 2010).
Gas chromatography is similar to other chromatography methods in the sense that it has both a stationary and mobile phase. The mobile phase consists of an inert gas,

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