
Intraoperative Brain Mapping

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Treatments no longer costing an arm and a leg During open heart surgery, a machine assumes control of lung function and pumping the blood around the patient’s body. Intraoperative brain mapping, sometimes called awake brain surgery, is a procedure used to remove brain tumours without damaging the brain, and as the name suggests, the patient is sedated but very much awake. Procedures such as these are nothing short of remarkable, and as science and medicine continue to develop, conditions which would have meant certain death can now be treated with relative ease. Although we can save lives this sometimes comes at a cost, and in the case of diabetes and some cancers, limb amputation is a necessary compromise; but that could be about to change. …show more content…

The research that is being conducted focuses largely on the electrical and chemical interactions and relationships within organisms. The magnitude of the negative charges of cells are identified with an in vivo dye which causes more negative areas to glow more brightly. What has been found is that more negative areas in frogs essentially plot where certain features, in one case the eyes, are going to develop. By manipulating an area on the tail slightly more negative, the frog developed with an eye on its tail. Such a small alteration had such a significant outcome on the frog, which is an indication of how powerful this research is. Chemical modification was also found to strongly influence the developing embryos when a frog embryo was treated with Prilosec, a stomach acid relief drug, which caused craniofacial defects as well as causing the organs to develop on opposite sides of the body. Prilosec interfered with the movement of the ion set, potassium and hydrogen, which was enough to impact patterning in the developing frog, resulting in defects. Research in the field has also been applied to try and improve severed spinal cords. In these tests, the movement of nerves was controlled by introducing a charge difference across the break in the spine. This caused nerves to move towards the charge and from here they were able to heal. Although it was found that the nerves couldn’t move past the scar tissue, the experiment indicated that these techniques have to potential to be effectively applied to developed individuals, which could mean a chance at recovery for those living with spinal

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