
Into The Wild Chris Mccandless Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Have you ever wanted to just take off and see the world with nothing holding you back? Well that is exactly what Chris McCandless wanted and he did it. Into The Wild is about a college graduate that had conflicts with his parents and did not want them to be in his life anymore. Chris succeeded in this by taking a journey across the united states, changing his name, and not telling anyone from home when he was going. Christopher McCandless that stands out because he went out on his own to live off of the land in alaska, he just wanted to explore the wilderness and embrace it. This character can be described as somebody who is arrogant and selfish, but he is also wise and courageous.
Arrogant can be described as a person who thinks too highly …show more content…

On page 21 it says ( whenever you see “quote” you must copy a quote directly from the novel to use for support) “I’ve told them a million times I have the best car in the world, a car that has spanned the continent from Miami to Alaska, a car that has all those thousands of miles not given me a single problem, A car that I will never trade in, a car that I am very strongly attached to- yet they ignore what I say and think i’d actually accept a new car from them!” This shows how Chris felt about his parents money and the way they tried to have a relationship with him. Another example is when Chris sends mail to Jan Burres and Bob in early May informing him that this would be the last time they would hear from him. On page 69 it says “This is the last communication you shall receive from me. I now walk out to live amongst the wild. Take care, it was great knowing you.” This means that Chris was cutting off communication with people to begin his journey into the wild. As you can see Chris had a way of keeping an emotional distance from the people he met, being able to kick these people out of his life so that it wouldn’t be so hard to leave. Regardless of the connection they made with …show more content…

In one instance Chris accepted the offer of clothes from Kevin so that he wouldn’t freeze in Alaska. On page 33 it says “Please thank Kevin again for all the clothes he gave me, I would have froze to death without them, I hope he got that book to you. Wayne, you really should read War and Peace. I meant it when I said you had one of the highest characters of any man I’d met. That is a very powerful and highly symbolic book. It has things that in it that I think you will understand. Things that escape most people, as for me I’ve decided that I’m going to live this life for some time to come. The freedom and simple beauty of it is just too good to pass up.”It is apparent that Chris had a connection to these people that he met along his journey and they were dear to his heart despite the fact that he didn’t want to get attached. In another event Jan Burres told the author, Jon Krakauer, what she reflected about Chris McCandless. On page 46 it says “He was smart. He’d figured out how to paddle a canoe down to mexico, how to hop freight trains, how to score a bed at inner-city missions. He figured all of that out on his own, and felt sure he’d figure out alaska, too” This is what Jan and Bob Burres thought about Chris and the way his personality was. So it is clear that Chris was a very courageous person and made wise decisions based on his

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