
Intimidated By STEM

Good Essays

Science, technology, engineering, and math, STEM, the field of hope for those who were working hard to accomplish something more than a high school diploma. Women and minorities with the same degrees, same aspirations, same responsibilities only earn a percentage of what men earn according to the Institute for Women’s policy Research, the U.S. Department of Commerce and many other organizations. How would you feel if your hard work wasn't recognized? What if you turned in the same exact job that a white man did and he was rewarded more just for his gender and/or race? Today, many women and minorities still seem to feel intimidated by STEM fields simply because they have been dominated by white men of wealthy backgrounds. This is causing a huge …show more content…

It’s also important to promote gender neutrality that way more women are encouraged to pursue careers in STEM. People of all races and sexes should always be given the same opportunities, but most if not everyone knows that people are too ignorant to see realize that they aren’t being fair. Educating the public in general can help reduce ignorance and raise awareness for this issue. This research has motivated me to do what I want to do and not conform to the norms and wage gap, if I set my mind to it I can be recognized in the world of engineering by being extraordinary. I believe that anybody can have that take away after doing some research or paying close attention to what I just said. Now that we know why minorities and women stay away from STEM jobs, it is our job to educate everyone that we know to encourage them to make their dreams come true despite the troubles that may come along. The demand for technology has increased so much the past decade therefore the need of ideas that come from people of all backgrounds is necessary to continue to create new and amazing things. Also educating parents about gender neutrality is important if they want their kids to explore their options and do something that they really want to do and not just have them do something because …show more content…

Why should I have to feel less for not being a male or loving my beautiful Latina roots? My brain, my thoughts, my ideas, my drive and my ambition have given me the capacity to get this far in my education. I don't want my sex, race or background to determine if I'm good enough or not because I know I can be better than just good enough. Like Emiliano Zapata, a Mexican revolutionary once said, “Prefiero morir de pie que vivir de rodillas” (“I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees”). Everything is possible, we just need to let go of what society or our families expect from us and really put our best foot forward to reach our goals and

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