
Intimate Partner Violence Study

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The prevalence of domestic violence in USA is constantly increasing from day to day. Various studies suggest that in most of the cases it frequently goes undetected. Among different types of violence, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is considered as one of the major public health issues faced by women. Around 1.3 to 5.3 million people are facing IPV each year in the United States mainly being immigrant women. The National Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Survey (NVAWS) reports that 3 in 10 women have suffered by an intimate partner. The paper mostly covers on the sources that are used by the immigrant women and the legitimate reasons behind.
Beginning with the definition of the domestic violence, this paper looks on the prevalence …show more content…

Because of more women notifying the authorities about the violence they are facing, most of the research and studies focus on female population. Around 1.3 to 5.3 million people are facing IPV each year in the United States especially immigrant women (Modi et al. 2014). The National Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Survey (NVAWS) reports that 3 in 10 women have suffered by an intimate partner (Modi et al. 2014). As per NVAWS, women faced 48% psychological aggression, 30% physical violence, 17% sexual violence and 9% of rape. In order to combat the rising issue of IPV, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was introduced in 1994 (Modi et al. 2014). As per World Health Organization, Intimate Partner violence (IPV) defines as behavior within an intimate relationship that cause physical, sexual, or psychological harm, including acts of physical aggression, sexual coercion, and psychological abuse and controlling behavior.(Modi et al. 2014). Aged 16-24 girls and young women are severely assaulted by male partner and it’s almost 2 million U.S women each year (Marrs Fuchsel, et al

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