
Intimate Partner Violence Against Pregnant Women

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Domestic violence is a topic that is under discussed and people need to be more educated on it. The impact of abuse cannot only harm the victim, but can also impact the lives of those in the victim’s life. During our class discussion, Christae stated, “ Most abuse occurs for the first time while a woman is pregnant”. This statement made me question how being abused while pregnant could ultimately affect the victim. I came across a study conducted by Chan et al. (2012) that analyzed the idea that violence against a pregnant woman cannot only affect herself, but also the child that she is carrying. This study had two main objectives which were to assess the impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) against pregnant women who have exhibited child abuse and neglect (CAN), as well as addressing the link between mediation and intervention of IPV and subsequent CAN. …show more content…

(2012) was a longitudinal follow-up study which focused on pregnant women who had been involved in intimate partner violence. There were 487 women who were recruited, but only 184 reported having IPV while pregnant in 2005. The women were recruited from 7 public hospitals in Hong Kong in 2005. They were asked to participate in a follow-up telephone interview in 2008. Participants were asked to respond to the Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS), the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale, and various questions related to demographic information. Overall the researchers discovered that the most common form of physical violence was corporal punishment, which includes acts such as spanking/slapping on the bottom, hand, arm or leg, pinching, and shaking, with a prevalence rate of 75.1% in the preceding year and 75.4% over their lifetime. Researchers concluded that intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy anticipates subsequent child abuse and neglect (CAN) on newborns in the Chinese

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