
Interview With Kincaid

Decent Essays

Magnificent McKenzie A lot of people don’t realize how hard being a teenager can be. You are expected to go to school, have a job, be in sports or extracurricular activities, get good grades, and still try to find time for yourself. I really started to understand this more when interviewing. When I interviewed McKenzie I tried to peel back layers to find out what her true interests are. In the end, I cultivated that she is interested in her job at McDonalds, her friends, and her family. First, I learned McKenzie just recently began working at the DeWitt McDonald’s. This is her second job thus far. Her first job was at the nursing home, and she worked there for approximately three months. She later` realized that it was not the job for her, …show more content…

Most of the time she isn’t home because she is hanging out with her friends, or doing a fun activity with a member of her family. If you ask anyone about McKenzie I am sure they would say that she isn’t shy at all, and can spark up a conversation with anyone. I hope someday I can challenge myself to not be shy and learn how to be able to talk to anyone. Lastly, when asked about her future and goals, McKenzie didn’t honestly have a for certain plan. She told me that right now she is working on graduating high school, and then choosing a college and engaging on graduating from there. She isn’t positive what she wants her career to be yet, but she is leaning towards becoming a nurse. After college, she shared that she wants to get married and possibly have kids. In conclusion, McKenzie Moen is a well-rounded individual. She has a job in high school, which can be difficult, tries her best in school (most of the time), and still finds time to hang out with friends and family. I’m glad I got the opportunity to learn more about McKenzie and undoubtedly dig deep into what her goals and aspirations are. I encourage everyone to interview anyone they’re interested in. For me, it was a very rewarding activity that was also

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