
Interview With Dr. Eigner's Case

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I met Mr. Eigner at the office of Dr. Taha. Mr. Eigner reports he is not taking any pain medications at this time. He reports he has a jolting shooting pain to the right and left legs only occasionally. He denied any pain to his right forearm. X-rays taken showed good alignment and healing of the fracture. The incisions are all healed except for a couple small spots on the right ankle. There is some swelling to the right ankle which Dr. Taha said is to be expected. The range of motion to the left ankle and toes was good. The range of motion to the right stores was limited. Dr. Taha said there is scar tissue at times from this type of repair and he would like physical therapy to start working on that. He is still going to be non-weight bearing for another 6 to 8 weeks on the right leg. He is now allowed full weight bearing as tolerated to the left leg. Dr. Taha ordered a rolling scooter to aid with ambulation and stop using the wheelchair. I have contacted Reverence physical therapy and faxed the new orders so the service can begin. I will process the rolled scooter with directions from the adjuster. The attendant care and replacement services will continue through to the next appointment.


Off work until the next appointment on 10/24/17. Mr. Eigner updates his employer.

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Eigner wants to regain driving and working as soon as he can he is hopeful that physical therapy will help speed his recovery.


1. Contact Mr. Eigner every 2 to 4 weeks for an update on progress, pain and any new problems.
2. Attend the next appointment with Dr. Taha on 10/24/17 to address work status, bone healing, replacement services, attendant care. Obtain projections for recovery.
3. Mr. Eigner updates his

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