Interpersonal Skills: Definitions and Usage Examples for Business Settings submitted on Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 12:54 PM
Definition: “The ability to hear attentively and process information correctly.” (Lombardo n.d.)
Use in Business: A good manager pays attention to dialogue with and between workers, peers, and seniors in the workplace. When conversing with one’s coworkers, superiors, and underlings, it is important to engage in active listening, which encourages the listener to give his/her undivided attention, empathise with the speaker, and even restate the information in the form of an accurate paraphrase to emphasise that proper attention was paid. (Carpenter M. et. al., 2009)
Online Skill-Building Resource:
Bacci, L. (n.d.). Why Assertiveness Matters in Business. Retrieved May 16, 2016, from
Definition: “Standing up for what you believe it, defending your ideas with confidence, instructing others on what needs to be done.” (Lombardo n.d.)
Use in Business: Assertiveness can be effective when proposing a new concept to peers and superiors in a business meeting, especially when said new concept is met with some resistance. Additionally, in a dispute, negotiation, or debate in the workplace (e.g. between peers, between worker and supervisor, etc.) defending one’s personal perspective on the matter (e.g. fending off an accusation,
Shows courage and confidence to speak up skillfully, challenging others even when confronted with resistance or unfamiliar circumstances.
Active listening is the process hereby one hears what is being said and communicates it back to the other person in order to let them know they are being heard. It includes both verbal and non verbal skills. (Harms,2007)Active listening allows the client to feel that the practitioner truly cares and is willing to listen to their story. Along side active listening, comes the skill of paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is a term, which defines the act of relating back to the client your interpretation of what they have said. Its important as it allows confirmation as well as allows the client to know you have paid
Due to my calm demeanor, I know, it would be benefitical that I work on and further develop assertiveness. The purpose of assertive communication is to keep contact lines open and show respect for others while affirming your beliefs and preferences. (DeJanasz, S., Dowd, K., & Schneider, B. 2015 p. 162). The internal conflict that can be created by passive behavior can lead to stress, resentment, feelings of victimization. I have learned that being assertive shows that you respect yourself because you're willing to stand up for your interests and express your thoughts and feelings. I do not want to send the wrong message that my wants or needs are not as important as other people professionally or personally therefore, I need to work that for future reference.
Being assertive means asking for what you want and refusing to take NO for an answer. Practice expressing your feelings without anxiety or anger. Let people know what you want in a non-threatening way. Practice 'I ' statements. For example, instead of saying, "You shouldn 't do that," try substituting, "I don 't feel comfortable
receiving physical therapy services is most likely not there to treat PTSD. However, Goodman and Fuller
I am a Year 10 student seeking part-time employment in the hospitality industry. I have excellent interpersonal skills with an ability to relate to people of all ages in an articulate and respectful manner. I demonstrate intrinsic motivation and a desire to complete all responsibilities to a high standard and will not compromise on quality. My key strengths include: excellent organisational skills, punctuality, warm persona and a willingness to learn.
Acting in an assertive way can enable individuals to act in their own best interests, to stand up for their selves without unwarranted anxiety, to express true feelings in a comfortable way and express personal rights without denying the rights of others.
You can be counted on to follow through with all assignments thoroughly and on time. Your program interpretations help clarify most aspects of eligibility processing as well as the possible problems associated with it. You are customer service orientated and keep this a priority when dealing with staff. Your evaluations are completed timely as well as the ones your staff are responsible for. You ensure all trainings in your section are also completed. In this rating category you exceed agency expectations.
In class, we talked about evaluating and terminating. The evaluation process draws on all interpersonal skills learned. As a human service professional, I must be objective with all clients not just some. If I have a client who is a child molester, I must learn how to have an objective lens and not be judgmental or uncomfortable. Truly, I would have to work on having a poker face and it may not be easy. I have a strong abhorrence toward a person who bring harm to women, children, and animals. Of course, I will work on this side of me.
I will obtain the skills needed through my daily life, and involvement. As I enter higher entry-level courses communication skills will become more important with group projects, presentations, job interviews and talking with professors. Analytical skills can be obtained with different real life situations as well as in classes. Specifically I think my math classes will be the most helpful, because you are given a problem and asked to find the answer. Due to the problem being math there is typically a variety of ways to find the answer. Therefore, it would make me think in a variety of different ways until I found the most efficient way to get the solution. To obtain interpersonal skills I think obtaining a sales position in a store would be beneficial. This way I am able to work under someone as well as work with a team to obtain a specific goal. In order to achieve the quality of problem solving I would have to work with a variety of different people. I would learn each situation individuals and then configure the best possible approach for the situation. Time management is a skill that everyone must learn as they grow up. This is a skill that I am learning in college where I have to learn balance my work, friends and activities. I think one of the best possible ways to obtain all these skills at once is to become a leader. A leader needs all these qualities in order to succeed in their
In one stage of communication, the quality of conversation can be improved when the workers are engaged in active listening. For instance, note taking during meetings which challenge both individual listening and writing skills, encourages co-workers to improve their sort-term memory to be more active later that day (Hybels & Weaver 2008,). It helps listeners to verify their understanding, and it gives the other person an opportunity to elaborate on main point of the information. Active and effective listening behaviours have a huge impact on the growth of business in the work place, because it shows the interaction between co-workers and how they deal with problems in their environment (Eunson 2012). Active and effective listening demonstrates the ability of workers to hear and feel what the other people want so say without judgment. Thus, active and effective listening skills have positively impact on the workplace.
I had never really considered the definition of assertive behavior, nor had I ever contemplated my own assertiveness level. I generally think of assertiveness more as a state of being, not really something that I need to strive for. After reviewing Module One and researching assertiveness and assertion training, I realize that I have not Dbeen realistic about what assertiveness entails. According to Beagrie (2006), “Many people confuse assertiveness with being bossy, overbearing or aggressive. Being assertive is simply the ability to stand up for yourself, state your views, tackle issues up-front and, in many cases, stop others from taking advantage” (p. 24). I can admit that up until now, I was one of those confused people. I have
Assertiveness in business is a key skill to develop in order to gain respect and develop a strong reputation for your abilities and skills. In order to be successful, it is important to gain the confidence in those around you, from direct reports to the executive suite. Establishing and developing proper assertiveness techniques can improve communications and personal confidence. Effective assertiveness skills are absolutely necessary in the areas of persuasion and negotiating, and one cannot be successful in these areas without first learning how to be properly assertive in a business environment. National Seminars Training offers a program for business professionals called Assertive Skills for Business Professionals. The link below provides more information about this
As men we should have a calm and centered demeanor about us. Like Joel Osteen once said, we should have a quiet confidence within us. What I have discovered is that other people respond positively to a person that is poised and relaxed. This aspect of your character is very important as a boss. This is what makes you a boss. Having a poised and relaxed disposition shows that you are sure of yourself. It shows that you have control over your emotions and not your emotions having control over you.
I appreciate the way you treat those you assist with courtesy and respect. You are able to successfully de-escalate interviews and keep upset claimants from getting out of hand.