
Interpersonal Communication In Virginia Satir's Paths Of Glory

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Communication is an essential process that occurs in everyday life. According to the renowned author Virginia Satir, “communication is to a relationship what breathing is to maintaining life” (Brothers 41). Any situation in which interpersonal communication occurs may potentially give rise to conflict. Everyone has unique beliefs and values that are constantly being projected onto their social interactions (Adler? Pearson 2). In addition, the roles people assume create expectations that become associated with their labels (Adler, Pearson 6). In interpersonal exchanges, roles can certainly have an influence on how people act, and can control what information they decide to disclose. In the 1957 film, Paths of Glory, it is demonstrated that due to the roles that are assumed by the military personnel, the low-ranking soldiers have no choice but to be obedient and to show extreme deference to their superiors. This applies even when the judgment calls made by the superior officers will bring about moral harm and potentially cause the destruction of many lives. Within the movie, the character of General Paul Mireau demonstrates that a leader who uses coercive methods of communication is never effective in benefiting the majority of their group. At best, a coercive method of communication will serve to benefit the intimidator at the expense of all other parties to the communication. The reasons largely have to do with the high power distance that is created between the

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