
Internment Camps In Julie Otsuka's When The Emperor Was Divine

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The novel, When the Emperor was Divine focuses on an average Japanese-American family that lived in the United States during the time period of World War Two. The author, Julie Otsuka, refers to the characters as "the mother," "the girl," "the boy," and "the father."Each member of the family was affected very greatly but much differently by the internment camps in which they were forced to live in. Being placed in internment camps made them act in ways they normally wouldn't. For example, the internment camp made the Girl rebel, while it made her brother step up to be the man of the house. Despite her being of Japanese descent, the Girl was your typical American pre-teen. Being not only born but raised in the united states, she only knew …show more content…

She soon got involved in the wrong crowd which resulted in her skipping curfew and smoking cigarettes. Not only was she doing those things but she withdrew from her family as well . A couple months into the camp she soon stopped talking to her brother and mother. These are all signs of depression. If the family weren't placed in these camps they wouldn't have gone through all these struggles. The families relationships between one another and their mental health would have still been intact . The internment camps, in various different ways, affected thousands of Japanese-American families across the nation. From broken homes to low self-esteem, one could say the internment camps were meant to break these Japanese americans down . They made these people feel inhuman which resulted in them acting out of character. This novel gives you insight of just one; of many, families that were affected by this act of war. The girl, for example truly acted out of character . She went from being a well-behaved girl to being in a constant state of rebellion with her new friends she had made in the internment camps. The girl, unlike the boy having to step up and be the man of the house, she decided to mentally withdraw and let the situation take control of her, rather than her taking control of the situation. Putting the girl in the internment camp resulted in her acting out and showing minor signs of depression. The Girl, Boy, Mother and Father suffered in various ways that

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